Sunday, May 15, 2011

Theme Diaz v10 for S 2.36 ported ROMs

Version 10:
-lockscreen updated
-message/mm updated
-fixed framework-res
Version 9:
-Updated SystemUI(transparent) and Lockscreen
-Optimized apks for better memory
-Changed a lot of icons and popup style(see screenshots)
-Sense 3.0: Messages, USB Menu, Lockscreen
Version 8:
-ported for Ace S 2.36.405.8
-added transparent Rosie navbar (Pyramid style)
-Windows Phone 7 Fonts (Revert to original Android fonts)
-New icons
(SystemUI-transparent notification still needs some tweaking)

Version 7.0:
-smaller fonts and more settings in notification bar quick settings
-optimized for speed
-blue overscroll effect

Version 1.0:
Change log:


  1. like your works! beautiful!wish you to update for the latest IC nighly roms

  2. I will, when some bugs will be solved.

  3. Best theme ever!!! I just miss new lock with icons. THANKS

  4. i tried v10 on 1.0.5 A2SD. but it causes some apps to not run at all.. and the official htc camera apps is not installed at all. i tried pushing the apk to system/app to install it but it cannot be installed. so i did a nandriod restore instead. and the notifications are not transparent although the background of the notification bar is transparent.
