Monday, May 16, 2011

Align your SDCARD, FAT and EXT Partiton

To spare you the mabo jambo, I will present you the short version. If you align you sdcard partition you speed up access time, write speed and read speed, so every operation including a sdcard read or write should be improved. 

Here is pretty easy. You download a zip and flash it from recovery. 

EXT4 Align Flashable zip 


This an aligned EXT4 with journaling disabled aka faster
It will erase all data from ext partition so make a backup (not nandroid backup). Doesn't matter what ext type you have, it will be ext4 after you run the zip. Flash the zip, reboot recovery then flash the rom 

For FAT32 well this is a little more tricky, but don't worry if you understand English at a medium level and you have 15 minutes to read the thread is pretty easy. Here is the link: , I take no credit for the good in there, I only share it with you.


  1. You say make a backup but not a nandroid, so in other words a Titanium Backup right? well what about a Nandroid 'Advanced Restore' where you can choose to 'Restore data' only?


  2. is possible apply EXT4 Align Flashable zip after rom flashing?
    I already flashed the rom; I would backup ext data, flash EXT4 Align Flashable zip, restore data on ext and reboot the system.
    Is it correct ?

  3. You said it doesn't matter what ext you are, I done it with one ext4, rest fat32 and it didn't work :S

    Is there a way to have a more detailed tutorial?

    Not pushing this as I know you have got very busy plans :)

  4. you must have first a partition with FAT32 and then a partition with ext3 (doesn't matter which type of ext).

  5. I have problems too
    And I had partition with ext3 and FAT32, flashed no journaling zip, rebooted recovery, flashed rom.
    Now it's been on s-off screen for 30 minutes

  6. Same here. The ext-sd does not seem to be recognized by the system. I also had to repartition without the scripts to make my phone boot again.

  7. after i installed these i cannot use the latest InsertCoin roms. Tried to wipe everything and reflash, still not working. is there any way to remove this package? cant figure it out..

  8. I'm running a droid incredible, this seems like more of a clockwork recovery (3.0.7) quirk but in preparation for a clean flash I aligned both my sd card FAT32 and ext4 partitions today and wiped everything.
    After plugging it in and mounting my sdcard through clockworkmod everything was great. I transfered last night's synergy build over along with a few other things but once I unmounted and went to flash, clockworkmod keeps giving me the error "No Files Found.". Any ideas what is going wrong?
    I've tried formating the card in both Fat32 (LBA) and Fat32 nonLBA and I've gotta say it's quite frustrating.

  9. Hy Guys,
    I have tried to make but no obtain success. i format my sd-card, make first a FAT32, after partitioning EXT2, after this, i flash .zip and tried do flash the rom. But the flash completed with the message: "Done.Crossfingers!". I reboot the cellphone and have a bootloop.

    anyone have some ideia ?

  10. I really don't understand to do the work about partitions.

  11. The Fat32 alignment doesn't work for me, when I try to enter in expert mode I get the error "There is no *BSD partition on /dev/sdb1."

  12. I'm not game to run this without some more info..

    I already have InsertCoin up and running my Desire with a 1GB EXT4 partition and rest of the 16GB card as FAT32. The whole card was FAT32, I shrunk the FAT32 and put a EXT4 partition at the start of the card.

    Does it matter what order the partitions are in? Can I just run this ZIP to align?
    Would I need to move the EXT4 partition to the end of the card; can this even be done?
    Can it even be done AFTER a ROM flash?

  13. I tried it and failed (the zip without journalling).
    The message was "verification failed".
    Does this need S-Off?

    Thanks for making the tools available!

  14. can someone post a step by step on how to do this, preferably with clockwordmod if possible. I can give you my hotmail and we could chat on messenger. Please can someone help me. Thanks

  15. I think I was having problems because with my experience Ext4 doesn't work very well with Clockwork. When I had clockwork and tried to backup my sd-ext (with ext4) it didn't work so I changed to 4ext recovery and that works with ext4 properly.
    So I think Clockwork doesn't really have the power to convert partitions to Ext4 and people should use another recovery?
    I might be wrong but I'm trying it now on my new recovery and will post ASAP


  17. Hi!

    I have a FAT32 and EXT4 partitions, and the InsertCoin ROM installed and working. But the partitions are not aligned.

    My question is...

    If I repartition with 4Ext to get it aligned and then restore a previous nandroid backup (I don't want to reflash the ROM)... will I get the partition unaligned again?

  18. There's an easier way to format an aligned FAT32 partition.

    Use this tool: with the option "format size adjustment" enabled.

    It formats the whole drive, so then you need to shrink the partition with any tool you want and create a new Ext4.
