Sunday, July 31, 2011

InsertCoin Sensation 1.0.4 - Pyramid

  • fixed browser crashing
  • fixed crt animation

Sorry, it's a full rom, and a full wipe is needed. Again sorry. Ill do my best to be the last time you need to wipe. Ill try to provide small flashables updates zip from now on. Thank you

MD5: aa74866a45bd03d47f4bd650f3a50fc7


  1. Thanks for your hard work.

  2. i like having a full rom from time to time ;) it helps the first flash else y ou will have to flash a full rom and 5 updates that sucks :P

    But you are doing a great job! I was allways a fan of you when i still had the Desire, will flash s-off now.! and flash your rom :)

  3. I keep getting E Signature verification failed ive downloaded twice now ?
